Anyone heard these? How do they sound?

Linn Ninka floorstanders
Has anyone ever heard these speakers?
How do they sound?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop

Showing 3 responses by aball

Speakers don't have a sound unless they are connected to a stereo. And then, if they are any good, the stereo will be a big factor in how they sound. Not to mention that the listener's brain plays just as big a role. So, there is no good answer to your question.
Timrhu - Your brain has an automatic impact if you voice an opinion about a speaker's sound. How else do you know what you think is sound? Why is there more than one brand of speakers in the world? Because everyone's opinion is different, because their childhood and life experiences impact their impressions, and so we all interpret things differently.

The lastest issue of Stereophile has a great opening editorial by John Atkinson that pertains to my comments very nicely. Check it out.

However, I agree that there can be an "average" consensus about a speaker's type of sound but the subjective reply can't be much more than dynamic/lean vs. smooth/full.
Tim, I am just saying lots of context is necessary.

Funny enough, I read the editorial while on the toilet too.