Anyone heard the Vandersteen model #5?

Am very interested in this speaker. I've come a long way and have pretty much narrowed it down to 2: Vandersteen model #5 and Montana EPS. Has anyone heard the former? Got rave reviews in IAR and TAS. Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by avguygeorge

I have some interest in this speaker,but;I would be buying 2 extra amps/that come with.I can understand the attraction to/for sub lovers;but finding 2 extra outlets is also a concern.I do ht also,but sub-less(apt dweller) Loosing my Aerial 10's and spending 7grand more is a risky situation.Anybody made this transition?
Onhwy,I have Jadis 7/4. Also I have become like the guy in clockwork orange/ or sort of conciderate/ depending how you look at it.I have a CAT 3 and the volume 'most never gets to 9 o'clock. So my quest is dynamics at lower volume.Purity of tone/maybe Def Lepard playing quietly.(not!)Acustic well recorded material is my bag. Got a smallish say 15x16 L shapped room;the long part of the L is to narrow, so I have a part corner behind the speaker on the right /full wall on the left.Thus 2/3 to my right is open.Never heard the Vandys--you?? and the 10's?? From your comments I assume yes. The Jadis may not be the best choice in a larger room for head-banging/but in no way am I under amplified. quality;not quantity. The TAS article mentions mid and upper mid a bit layed back,compared to some of those 10/20 grand jobs--True?? Thanks for listening/reading. PS I do actually own the Def,and on vinyl of course.
Hi,Me again,I seem to be getting the "feel".It would be the better speaker,if you had no speakers at all/as in worth the price dif.between each new. Seems like I catch on a little slower /as in; as I scrool back/your first post states it quite clearly.Then from "Fiddler on the Roof": "If I were a rich man";I'd listen to'em in my room.But thanks:Got it.My dealer has less objectivity.