Anyone heard the Simaudio 300D d/a converter

Thinking of the Wyred 4 Dac2 or the Simaudio. Any opinions would be helpful.
I just got my Simaudio Moon 300D today and have no idea how to hook up my MacBook Pro to it for optical playback. My 300D is hooked up to Simaudio Moon 600i integrated amp. Do I need to take my HD digital audio files off on my computer and put them on a media server? Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
I'm also waiting for the new Wadia 121 dac, it will play 24/192 via USB but probably won't be out until late this year. It's coming down to the Berkeley, Sim Audio or the Denon. Sandra
Hi, I listened to the 300D dac approx. a year ago and thought it sounded awesome. It was connected to Sim amps, Avalon speakers and the dac was connected to a Wadia dock using an Ipod. I was surprised at how dynamic, detailed and non-fatiguing this system sounded. I had them also connect it to Dynaudio speakers and it sounded just as good with them. I can't remember the amps in the second system, I wrote up my findings about this and other dacs I listened to somewhere in the digital discussion. I am still considering this dac, amongst others, but I am having a lot of problems with my amp/pre-amp and can't buy anything until I get it resolved. Another cdp I am interested in is the Denon 100th anniversary SACD player. I have listened to it 2-3 times and it sounded very good but the bass was a little light. I don't know if it was the speakers (Boston) or another part of the system, that's why I would like to get others' feedback. It plays high res music, is a complete cd player (not just a dac) and looks great. Sandra