Anyone heard of 'Clearview' from Mapleshade??

I recieved a booklet from this company Mapleshade, and sounds like they offer good isolation products and cables. I was interested in their 'Clearview Double Helix' speaker cable and their 'Ribbon interconnects.' i also understand they have a 'state of the art' recording studio where they specialize in very fine recordings from artist using the best (and less) electronics, mics, cables when making a recording. If anyone has heard of, or experience with thier cables - good or bad - please let me know. My speakers currently are Logan Ascents. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by gammajo

I have used thier Silclear and like it and have bought about 5 of thier recordings and enjoyed them as well - they do sound a bit more natural than average. No experience with their speaker cable but their are other discussions of the double helix here. Search for the term to find the thread