Anyone heard of 'Clearview' from Mapleshade??

I recieved a booklet from this company Mapleshade, and sounds like they offer good isolation products and cables. I was interested in their 'Clearview Double Helix' speaker cable and their 'Ribbon interconnects.' i also understand they have a 'state of the art' recording studio where they specialize in very fine recordings from artist using the best (and less) electronics, mics, cables when making a recording. If anyone has heard of, or experience with thier cables - good or bad - please let me know. My speakers currently are Logan Ascents. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by bgrazman

I had to return a set of their IC's because of interference (60 hz hum). They honored their money back warranty with no problem. (no reflection on their quality... this type of cable is not able to reject RF...)