Anyone heard about B&W revamping their 800 series

The 600 series evolved from S2 into the S3 variety. The CDMNT series evolved into the 700 series. Anyone heard about anything happening to the 800 series? Thanks William.

I think you need think about this some more. Do you really think that as big as B&W is, as many people that they employ, that not even one would mention "off the cuff" to someone else (friend, etc.)that a change is going to occur.

If they don't, then they are even more secretive than the CIA.

your dealer-friend may not know, my info comes from AT Trade, the B&W-general importer for Russia. The person I spoke to was invited, as every year, to B&W in England. In addition, I have spoken to Raimund Mundorf himself, who had B&W representatives coming over to Germany, and himself going to B&W. A whole department of B&W engineers is involved in revamping the 800 series.