Anyone hear the new Thiel 2.7 speakers at RMAF?

Any impressions from those who heard the Thiel 2.7s in Denver would be much appreciated. Thx

Showing 4 responses by telescope_trade

Anyone?? No body on this planet?? How about Jupiter Mars or Saturn??? Anyone out there??? Just nod if you can hear me!
Hi Jafant,

I may end up with a pair tomorrow, we'll see. I guess I will be taking a chance.
Thanks James,

Looks like I am going for it, wish me luck! :o)


Got a new pair of 2.7's and although right out of the box I
can tell they need major break in time of coarse, but they
just sound so live & open & detailed, with unreal imaging
and are so open sounding they just fill the room no matter
where you are, sitting, standing etc. They are going to be
so musical. When able, the search for the best amp I can
afford for them will begin. But, believe it or not they
sound pretty damn good with just my Jolida 1501 BRC.