Anyone hear the Class D Audio Mini GaN 5 amp yet?

Looks intriguing but not much out there on it yet so wondering if anyone here has had a chance to hear it or, even better, had a chance to compare it to other amps. Thinking of taking a flier on this amp given the tech and price, but we all know implementation is everything so looking for some real-world impressions before ponying up any dough. Also, please let’s not make this yet another measurement debate — I’m purely interested in sonic impressions here so take your measurement comments elsewhere. Thanks.

Showing 13 responses by georgehifi


Ok so your only going to use one channel of each amp, and leave the other unused??

If so you could go these true mono’s for the same price as two of those
Cheers George
I have two on order (to use as monoblocks)
Did you check with the manufacturer to see if they can be bridged into monoblocks??? As many can’t, and will blow up on turn on.

Also "if" they can be bridged, the wattage yes will be higher, but all the other parameters that make for a good sounding amp goes down when stereo amps are bridged, and they actually sound worse just louder.

Cheers George
Re: AGD Class-D
Is it a coincidence that when you put transistors in a glass tube that looks like a electron tube that suddenly the sound is called SET like? As opposed to your typical Spartan Class D amp box that no SET fan in their right mind would ever own, eh?

Yeah that glass tube thing was very very questionable thing to do, but then to the gullible it "could" say it will sound better. Even the designer said it was a bit of a joke when he was interviewed way back on it.

But the worst part of it is that they use the 6550 tube push pin’s and tube socket as the contact making for input, output, power etc, which is just about the worst thing you could do re a good connection for power transferring.
(suppose it will ensure future servicing returns when the contact/s will fail)

Cheers George
I think it’s on track to get some info on sound from anyone here.
The more exposure the better.
If you search you will see I started a thread on this USA made amp quite a while back as Class-D Audio USA was developing it.
Cheers George
If anyone wanted a GaN Eval board with SMPS, they are a $1K from Mouser. they do look a lot more complex than Class-D Audio’s one

Cheers George
And guess what, it’s not a GaN Eval board, looks to be Class-D Audio USA own GaN technology board, big USA printed on the board

Cheers George
I said this upfront to avoid the measurement hoopla.
Only hoopla to those that don’t understand it, and it so new that’s all there’ll be for a while till some one purchases it, for the minuscule price it is, and that will come from keeping this thread active hopefully.

Cheers George

Compare it to other Class-D that are low priced.
For $699 don’t think you’ll find anything better perhaps, and USA made, sold and serviced, doesn’t seem to be a China, Asia, or Euro connection at all.

Not as bad as you make out, quite good in fact for Class-D probably better than many Amir has measured costing >$2k and for just $699 on sale. If that what Class D Audio USA is using, could even better if not.

If should be obvious that GaN does not guarantee better performance.

No, but if the GaN semiconductors have been implemented right, it is the one to use today
And with this Class D Audio USA made one, it could be just a ready made board from GaN to use, in whatever case one see fit, like a $20k one could be using the same board. As Class D Audio did use Ice Power & Hypex boards for some of their kits in the past. These specs are very similar to the Class D Audio USA made one

Cheers George

Yeah! and you yanks should love that it's an American company that's making them!!

Cheers George 

Anyone hear the Class D Audio Mini GaN 5 amp yet?

300w 4ohm GaN Technology for $699!!! gotta be bargain if it sounds as good or better than Purifi or Hypex NC500.
What I like is that it’s that it’s 100kohm input impedance, rather than stupid low 20kohm like most Class-D’s.
Which means it can be driven direct from even tube source or tube pre or passive preamps easily.
Cheers George