Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Showing 4 responses by cinematic_systems

The drivers are good, and the key to this speaker is the not so modest cabinet. I guess we want to overlook the considerable expense in that.

The box has nearly 8 times the radiating surface of the largest driver even in a small speaker like the Caravelle. So its inertness is no small feat and a big advantage to clarity. Personally I laugh at most of the puck cone BS that goes on because this is where it matters, the speaker box, not a bad box on $900 stands and cones.

The speaker is what it is, I've heard and it is very good. I think anyone who hears it will think its very good. Unless they are just being contrary or since we're dealing with audiophiles, don't know what good sound is.

Just so we're clear where I stand, Would I buy it? No, but that is due to my preference which has no ramifications on anyone else.

Better than JM Labs ? well the JM labs is got its own sound and better is more a question of preference than performance also.

I'd like to see a real measurement of the Caravelle but it does sound flat to me, +/- 1.5 dB is quite an achievement for a passive loudspeaker and it deserves a chance if you're looking for a speaker that does many things very well.

Waiting for what a reviewer has to say is pointless when you have a 30 day trial. Either you have the $$$ or you don't to have the priviledge to really know how these speakers sound like.
Focus Audio 788!!! Ack....thats the best you can do? That speaker has ridden the hype more than the Caravelles.

Son of Flubbers Cremoras? Credibility gone especially after saying the seas millenium tweeters are junk versus the Focal Be's .

Gendut for a guy who bought a speaker thats got all its money in the cabinet I would think you'd recognize a similar speaker.
Nope; You got it in the right order, Focal Be in between the 7000 and the Millenium. I looked for the quote but I know it was overly harsh on the Millenium but it could have been a grammar thing.

I'll post some pictures of My Accuton/2904/7000 System when its finished.

I have the Caravelle tweeters in some DIY's a little crunchy where I cross them over (1800hz 4th order) but pretty good otherwise.
4 Alternatives to Caravelles, these speakers are not "better" but are subjective alternatives to the Caravelles. Funny how many of these speakers will be difficult to find to audition too.

ATC SCM-20 -2, will play louder with more precision and focus than the Caravelles, depending on the amplifier the Caravelles will give a fuller bass but not better dynamics. The ATC's may be too detailed for some and do not throw a big image.

Meyer HD-1, some may find this speaker a bit to precise and detailed, but this speaker clearly out does any of the speakers on this list when it comes to bass and dynamics. This speaker is superb in everyway. Its more expensive too, but since it is powered I felt it could stay in the game.

Dynaudio 25; again a very competitive speaker probably the easiest to find of all the speakers mentioned here. If your dealer can actually choose the right amplification to demo it with, you will have a speaker with a slightly darker sound than the Caravelles, which might be to your tastes.

The Caravelle's are good enough that everyone should like them. They do the play the music, they do cater to the audiophile a bit which is why they scored mediocre on the Megadeth and "I feel free" test. but since is their target audience, audiophiles, they were more than acceptable.

If you had all 4 speakers above in the same room not only would it be a great deal of fun, you might find yourself switching favorites one CD to the next. Because each speaker has its strength and character that will let it shine over the others under certain conditions.

To be less vague, but if you interests in music mainly lie in the Jazz and classical ensemble range this is where the Caravelles shine in my opinion.

The powered speakers are better at the larger scale music, as they remain better focused when the music get complex or hard driving (heavy metal and rock)

I am a dealer for Meyer and ATC, I evaluated a customers Caravelles in his room with the ATC 20's and the Dali Helicon 400's to compare.

The Caravelles are excellent, I would consider being a dealer if they began to focus more multi-channel which most of my clients buy.