Anyone have Warfedale Linton 85th anniversary?

I saw this review on Erin's website was wondering if anyone has these speakers and what you think of them.


Showing 4 responses by lanx0003

GR never show the SPL chart below 200 hz for his measurement. How can he evaluate the bass response / performance for any speaker I wonder. In this case here I would agree and have more trust in Erin’s measurements and his subjective assessments.

Well, I purchased Linton from Crutchfield and tried them at home for 60 days. I retained them as my main speaker in the living room. In particular, I like their nimble bass. If you desire to reach 20+ hertz weighty low end just add a quality sub. Depending on the music, sometimes I felt the treble is a bit shouty but after I switch the power amplifier from Parasound A23 to NC 2125 V2, the issue was greatly resolved. Basically, A23 renders higher resolution but brighter treble too. The NC 2125 also has lower damping factor around 150 so gives the Linton not overly tight bass as it does from A23 (over 1000). So, overall, the match between the Linton and the amplifier needs to be right in order for Linton to reveal its full potential.  Basically, I regard Linton as a poor man's Harbeth M30x with more extended low end.  Highly recommended.

I guess it is room dependent.  Take a look at Erin's plots which reveals nothing like that.  Between 40 and 100 hz, the roll off is quite mild and smooth in Erin's in room response.

Thank you for the clarification about your speaker placement. Whereever possible, I will always give speakers room to breath. You probably do not want to seal the (dual) ports based on the Stereophile’s measurement. After sealing the ports (red), the sole woofer (blue) may not perform as smooth as the sum ...