Anyone have thoughts on the Peak Consult Zoltans?

These have gotten a great review,recently.They are very efficient,and an easy load,which goes a long way.The review states that they are superior to the Watt/Puppies AND 45,000 dollar Kharma Mini.Of course it was one man's opinion,but the design priorities(can easily be driven with the finest low powered tube units)and build quality seem impressive,hence my quest for some meaningful feedback.
These speakers are priced very similarly with the Avalon Diamonds,but,though I do love Avalon stuff,I am beginning to believe the easier load,and drive capability surely must equate to a better listening experience.Am I wrong,here?

Thanks in advance!!

Showing 10 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

OK,OK,OK!!I submit!!!I WILL make an attempt to "garnish" listening experience on the Ushers.
One point I have noticed on their web page,was that they state a low power handling ability.Well they may be efficient(a good thing) yet when a speaker shows the top power handling ability of an amp to be 100 watts,it sort of sends up a red flag to me.I hope I'm wrong,but that sort of stuck out to me,when I was checking them out,last year.This may not be the model spoken of here,but it was one of the "top" offerings!

Allan,what the heck are you talking about!!!I do feel that I would like the Peaks under the correct conditions.That's why I started this Post!....DUH!!!
There are plenty of good designs out there.

Show conditions.Not surprising.Actually when I bought my current Ascents I did not care for them,yet had that certain "feeling".Same with the Peaks.Hope this quells your obstinance!
WOW,what did I do,to allude to anyone feeling they could irk me,into feeling "one" was obstinant?? -:)

I simply initiated this thread to gain info on some products that interest me.There are loads of audio "toys" that are just fine,as far as I'm concerned.The Peaks,and Ushers clearly fall into that category.You guys can battle it out for world supremacy.I just want to hear my beloved music collection reproduced with my own set of priorities considered!
I must admit that ALL arguements made here are well thought out,and understandable.The last post by Audiooracle is well written,and quite plausable.That being said,I for one never make a buying decision based upon price,or some reviewer(they are simply hobbyists,ya know)applause.Others may differ,when it comes time to buy something.That's fine by me.
I can make a STRONG argument for "anyone"(including myself)keeping,or trying to procure the "classic"(I own it,and know)Avalon Ascent "series two"(later upgrade)speaker system.It seems clear to me that these were discontinued(four "hard to talk wife into" cabinets) for policy reasons,concerning "selling more product".I have no doubt here,and really do understand WAF,as well as sales volume DO impact corporate decisions.With regards to the Ascent,I make this claim,not to further my own rationalization,but in lieu of design parameters set forth by some "weighty" posters,here!!Massive construction(six inch thick front cabinet)/very easy load to drive/massive external crossover/sealed design,with a "Q" factor of .5(accuracy in bass/midbass,beyond a ported design)/incredible hand made(four cabinetmakers taking two weeks to finish "one" pair)cabinetry,in beautiful "tropical olivewood"(no longer available due to deforestation(the "rarity factor")/SOTA clarity and timbral purity/first rate internal componentry and wiring/and I have NEVER heard ANY design that can match it's soundstage ability etc.What's not to like?Yet,and yet......
My point being,that "any" well versed design can find a wide audience,with proper marketing,and a good design base.That STILL does not stop someone like myself from continuing to seek information on "appealing" designs."YOU" never know when something "else" will stand out,in your mind,and force a change!It has happened to me alot.Though(thankfully) not as much now,as in my foolish youth.I've learned a bit,in my old age.The "thinking" hobbyist has a decided edge over the "fickle"!It's the "fickle" hobbyist who is most impressed with "price cache".Alot simply want something special.Something that can stand the test of time.Reliably!
Sorry for the rant.

Stereovox,thanks for the enlightening response.Very nice of you!Though with the class you have shown here,I am not surprised.Not to say I feel Audiooracle is also not a quality person,and I truly understand the feelings/agenda intended.I believe both of you are professionals,and believe in their product lines.Too few dealers(these days) are simply out to sell product.I am amazed at the "NON" level of customer technical suport that many dealers ascribe to.Digital has made them lazy.I am from a time when dealers actually knew how to set up a turntable,and mount an arm/cartridge(that I did not have to re-check).NOW I won't let anyone touch my table/arm/cart!!I do it myself,and know it's correct.

BTW--Just read the latest Hi Fi News with the review of the Zoltans.It was NOT a glowing review,but knowing that reviewer and his room/componentry/musical tastes,this has to be taken into consideration,and I MUST state that anyone interested in any design MUST HEAR IT FOR THEMSELVES!!Particularly with their own program material!!I find it hard to believe that a company like Peak would design a product that sounded too smoothed over( as stated in this review,basically).YET the previous review I have read of the Zoltans was positively a RAVE!!!Here the reviewer stated, emphatically,that the Zoltan was clearly superior to the much more expensive Kharma Mini Exquisite(which is poised to get an over the top rave,in TAS,just watch),and had "more detail" than the Wilson Watt/Puppy 7!Sort of flies in the face of the Hi Fi News conclusion.Lends creedence to my feeling that WE MUST hear these "investments" for ourselves!!

This is the ONLY way for a hobbyist to get a feel for a product.

The review in Hi Fi News is rather meaningless,other than to be a motivation for myself,or anyone else to actually get off our tush,and listen!!

Best to all!!
I have NO interest in replacing the Ascent(never will),but am gathering info for a friend.
Allan b,I have heard the smaller floorstanders,and was Not impressed.So I HAVE heard them.My interest continues,as I DO believe this is a viable product.That is why I continue to look for feedback.This makes sense to ME.That's why I posted the question.

BTW,the speakers look to be incredibly well made.I could be wrong,but am willing to bet the cabinet materials,crossover,drivers etc go along way in the price differential,as compared to the Usher line.No offense meant,to anyone!
In fairness I have "scoped out" the latest offerings by Usher!!They definitely DO look to be incredible bargains!!
Keeping abreast of the latest technology in drivers,and nice meaty cabinet weight,and stunning looksAnyone have exposure to the latest offerings??.Competition is a good thing,I guess.
I believe another issue is the cost of manufacture,where each "local area" will determine pricing.Does the manufacturer offer med insurance/work conditions/vacation/general wages etc!We have all heard sad stories regarding the salaries of some far eastern laborers.I hope this is not the case with companies like Usher,where I'm sure it's corporate owners CAN drive pricey autos,but how about the folks actually making the products?This ALL makes a difference,to me, when making a buying decision.Also,I DO like to think about my satisfaction level,about five to ten years out!My Ascents are fifteen years old(I have maintained them to a "flawless" museum quality standard,as they look absolutely new)yet a consideration important to me,when buying,and pointed out by my dealer,was the "HEIRLOOM" factor.This has held true,fortunately, for me.

Audiooracle means well,and has an understandable agenda.The speakers are probably just fine.
Stereovox was invited,by me,to respond to some questions a month ago,and has been nothing but professional.That too lends an aura to the products he represents.Even if Martin Colloms did not care for the Zoltans,it means nothing!!I simply must hearit for myself!!HMM
I must admit,Phaser,you are right on the money about one thing......I'm sorry for initiating the post!!

I never meant for a "War Of The Worlds" atmosphere to come about,yet that is where these threads have "SHRUNK" to!!

I certainly hold no animosity for the "WARRING FACTIONS",and actually respect and sort of "like" both parties by now,but PLEEEASE!!I cannot see guys like Dan D'Agostino going at it with Jeff Rowland,or Dave Wilson going up against Franco Serblin!!It's just NOT going to happen.

George Gershwin stated it JUST RIGHT..."you say POTATO,and I say POTAATO.Now let's call the whole thing off"!.....TIME WILL TELL,HERE!!!!

BTW--as to you not being overjoyed with the Usher Be 20,it can very easily be system dependent!!My pal has the exact set-up as me,yet our Rowlands clearly get better timbral/harmonic accuracy on my Avalons than on his Kharmas!!It does not mean the Kharmas are not wonderful speakers.It means my pal bought without thinking through what was the best match in componentry.A good tube amp always sounds superior on Kharmas,based on my significant exposure to those wonderful,"PRICEY" speakers.He does this alot,as he buys on emotion,and product reviews.Fortunately he is quite well off financially,and can afford a mistake or ten!!

Can I PLEASE restate my original question,limiting it to hobbyists(for which it was intended)?ANYONE HAVE THOUGHTS ON THE PEAK CONSULT ZOLTANS?

Sorry EBM(love ya anyway)!!
