Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.

Showing 2 responses by sondeknz


I noticed your post...

"And as for a tube amp and the Job not liking each other, it's not that they don't like each other it's the fact that there is too much gain, massive in fact, as Devilboy said way back about the Job "IMO, the 225's specs SCREAM passive"  You be nutz to put a preamp with it that has gain.

Remember what Nelson Pass said, (and he designs and sells active 

Are you able to confirm exactly which tubed preamp that you were using,  that ultimately did not provide a usable gain-match with the JOB 225 please?  

Importantly, I'd like to understand how much gain that particular tubed preamp had, as I am seriously considering a JOB 225 to use with my own tubed preamp with 12dB of gain.  Appreciated.  

(I use 4-8 ohm dynamic speakers of around 90dB sensitivity...)

To my ears, I have found that all systems benefit from having tubes in the circuit, somewhere in the chain.  Of course, this assumes all other factors - such as impedance and gain matching are well and good.

I look forward to your thoughts...

Attention JOB 225 Owners!

  • Missing that gentle bloom that only tubes can deliver?
  • Struggling with too much Gain and insufficient attenuation "fine-tuning" range?
  • Wishing you could tailor the sound just a smidgen, for your room?
  • Looking for a bit of a project?

Your prayed have been answered.

Introducing... Transcendent Sound THE FIXER (Unit Gain Preamp Kitset)

  • Tube-based active circuit (one 12AU7, one 12AX7 and one ECC99)
  • Four (4) Inputs
  • Volume attenuation
  • Advanced Bass and Treble controls
  • Unity Gain (Zero Gain)
  • Wide bandwidth design (Flat 15Hz-400kHz)
  • Low noise (Deathly quiet)
  • Low cost (Sub $US500)

Available soon from a proven tube amp kitset designer...

(No affiliation - just a very satisfied long-term client...)