Anyone have heard of Tangent RS-8 speakers

Has anyone heard of the topline speaker from Tangent 25 years ago? What's the speaker sensitivity?
Is it musical?
I wonder how this pair compared to the modern speakers.

I have a pair of RS6's. As far as I know they were the one of the first pairs here in Kitchener, ON (maybe Canada). They were shipped in from England. I purchase them in 1977. They have three drive units (Audax drivers HD20B25J) 1" dome tweeter, 6" bextrene cone mid-range, 6" bextrene cone bass and Teak finished floor standing cabinets. Rated up to 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms. If someone is interested I have the original packaging.
The original packaging?!? Amazing! The speakers are very hard to come by these days. Are you sure they are 6"? Mine are 8".

I have a pair of TM1's, RS6's and RS8's. They still sound great to my ears all these years later.

In my opinion, they are best with classical music. But, of course, I listen to rock, pop, classical, some jazz, etc. A very British sound indeed!

Tangent actually made their own electronics to drive their speakers. High current map and preamp - rated at 220W a side (impressive for those days!).

A friend has a pair of RS2's - they are the best small speaker that I have ever heard.

And as a last note....

One of the last things the original Tangent company was working on was the RS-10 model. It was never produced.
I a pair of RS6 I bought new in 1978 with the amp and preamp. I still have the original packing and boxes. They were very musical speakers except if driven hard they would blow the voice coils.

Both my speakers still work well. They sound very nice with classical and jazz. Hard rock not so good.