Anyone have experience with "burn-in generators"?

Looking for a way to speed up the burn-in of interconnects. Googled "cable burn in" and got link to the "FryBaby". A bit pricey ($250) for a hopefully 1-time task. Anyone try using it, or something similar.


Showing 3 responses by mrtennis

i have it. the problem with it and other such devices is that cable performance will differ from the usualm method--feeding a musical signal.

i have found that the frequency response is affected by the burn in devices.

i have noticed a slight attenuation in the treble and a slight softening of bass frequencies.

if you do use a break-in device, make sure to feed the cable or component music for at least a week.

perhaps you can find one used somewhere, if you wish to purchase one.

another approach is the purist audio break-in disc, which i also have. its a cd that you play three times. i can't vouch for its effectiveness, compared to the fry baby.
having auditioned many cable sets, as a reviewer, i can say that sometimes the initial impression of a cable, changes with break-in. on several occasions i have liked a cable out of the box, only to change my mind after 300 hours. in two cases i went from liking to disliking a cable.

so , i would say, reserve judgment until after break-in.
the problem with break-in devices is that they provide a signal different from a music. thus the sound of the cable will differ after it is "burned-in", with one of them vs passing a musical signal.

also consider the current requirement of the component receiving the cable. burning in a cable with a low current source for a component that has a high current use, e.g., an amp, will create a different result than providing a signal from a high current source.

thus, i have been told to connect a power cord to a refridgerator to burn it in for use with an amp.