Anyone have an Oracle Origine TT?

Considering an upgrade to my analogue front end.  I'm intrigued  by the Oracle Origine, now in Mk II status.  It's got quite an interesting design with a uni-pivot arm, the "olive" to adjust tonearm resonance. and a reasonable list price.  Our Canuck buck is terrible right now vs the greenback, so Canadian made products madk more sense than ever at the present.

So, anyone have an Origine TT?  Opinions, views, rants, or kudos? :)
I've got no further information than what's on their website.  A local dealer carries Oracle Audio and I was able to examine the Mk I version.  It seemed well built if somewhat plain in appearance.

What TT's did you replace your Delphi and Alexandria with?

The current Oracle Paris looks a bit better built than the Origine but it will end up about double the price.  

I currently run a Thoren's TD-166 Mk II that I've had since new with a  Benz Micro MC Gold cart.  I really enjoy the warm sound from this rig, even if some consider it a bit coloured.  My musical tastes are eclectic but I listen mostly to jazz and classical.  I use Martin Logan Summits and Harbeth C7ES-3 speakers in my two systems, so that should give an idea of the type of sound I value.

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"  But not exclusively: rockin out is a basic human need." 


Having recently rediscovered my Budgie CD's I've been enjoying some proto-heavy-metal too.  :)