anyone have an opinion on the dali helicon 400

im really curious if anyone has any opinions about the dali helicon 400 speakers
I heard them at CES 2004 last year and were very nice, but that is not a true test of the speaker, you've got to hear it in your owm system. They did get a Golden Ear from The Absolute Sound in the Dec/Jan 2005 issue. I own a pair of Dali Grands(since discontinued) and am a true believer in the Dali line. The MS4's are awesome, although quite a bit more expensive.
I own a pair of Helicon 800's and I am quite pleased with them. I had them originally paired with Sim Audio P3/W3 amps but have replaced the amps with some ARC gear lately. The Solid State amps just made some recordings sound to harsh on the top end. They also produced to "much" detail, if there is such a thing. Now everything sounds very natural and live like. Great extension on the top end, good bass and wonderful mids. All that combined with a realistic soundstage and good coherence. If you have the money for the 400's you might as well audition the 800's too. I guess it would also depend on the size of the room you are intending to use them in. My room is 36 by 18 and the 800's have no problem with that.
Hi Mkuhnle
I'm very intrested in the dali speakers but my room is only 12x12. Do you think the 800 are too big ? Also wondering what's your cd player inter connects &speaker wire ?
The 400s and 800s are too big for your room. These speakers need a little bit of breathing room to shine.
I demoed the Dali 400's. They were NOT broken in and they were well placed in a large room. I distinctly heard Stevie Nicks in Fleetwood Mac singing thru the tweeters. Obvious. New model Mac tube amps. Top of the line. I guess they needed more breaking in since they were kinda bright.