Anyone have an experience with Belles Aria preamp & mono amps vs. tube integrated ?

I have 1996 Muse 160 amp & Model Three preamp driving Nola Boxer S2 upgrade, which are 90db efficient. I spin vinyl exclusively mainly classic jazz 50’s & 60’s. I am debating replacing the Muse with either Prima Luna Dialogue Premium integrated or go the Belles Aria route. I have heard neither amps as I live in central Iowa.
I am retired and am considering future maintenance and up keep.

Thank You for your input

Showing 3 responses by jenney

I like the idea of no tinkering with the tube bias which the Primaluna will avoid but there is still tube life. My biggest question is do you miss the “tube sound” of the Rogue now that you have gone the Aria route? If I decide to go the Aria route I plan to do as you did pre-amp and a pair of monos.
I look forward to your observations of SS amp vs. tube amp sonic presentation.