Anyone have a Little Fwend tonearm lifter?

Thinking about buying one of these, was wondering if it was worth $250

Showing 1 response by albertk1

I installed a Lil' Fwend on my VPI prime at first.  It functions flawlessly.  I don't use and of the supplied discs.  The magnetic base is adequate with the VPI plinth.  Positioning is easy.  The height is adjusted with a 0.9mm Allen key.  It doesn't take much to round the square corners of the soft metal key.  So if VTA changes are going to happen (accompanying cartridge swaps) this could be a concern.  Unless you put in a supply of Allen keys.

I just purchase Tru-Lift as the aesthetic appeal of its design exceeds that of the tapered conical design of the Lil' Fwend.  The Tru-Lift depends on two-sided tape or the Blue Tack that is supplied.  The height is adjusted with a 1/16-inch Allen key.

Both these items function well and smoothly.  As for cost, some are content with a Yugo and some prefer a classic Jag.  An additional layer of protection for a $3k+ MC cartridge stylus is as they say "priceless."