Anyone ever tried 2x100Watt Bi-Amp Vs 200 Watt

If the cost of additional cables doesn't matter, which way is preferable?

Showing 1 response by ngjockey

Done both bridging (Plinius SA100's) and passive biamping. In the latter, I used Monarchy SE100's above 90 Hz and an old Mission 777 (100W) for bass, along with a custom attenuator to accommodate gain differences. This setup took advantage of both amps strengths and fit my budget at the time. I'm not sure a dozen Monarchy's stacked in parallel could have matched the Mission's bass, despite the identical rating. A higher xover would make matching more difficult with amps that aren't identical.

A friend matched a Coda System 100 for bass with Manley Snappers (100W tube) and there was only a slight gain difference.

The other thing that should be considered is that input impedance drops with passive biamping. With a few exceptions, that should not be a problem.