Anyone ever heard of 'The Wave tube amps?

just heard about them.. any comments?
Are you referring to the Antique Sound Lab Wave amps? If so, they are remarkable little amps for the price. Check out for some info if you haven't already.
I have a pair in my bedroom system and they're worth every penny (big understatement!) 8 honest watts. If you plan to use them, be sure to run them into efficient speakers (89db at least.)

If you haven't tried tubes, this is definitely the place to start. If you don't like them, they'll sell in a day or less on Audiogon.
Thanks for your replies...calling them today.. I was going to go with Jolida, but I heard many several stories of breakdowns...
Just to keep the thread moving... I have actually built my bedroom system *around* a pair of these little amps, because of their combination of price, awesome sound and small size. If you use speakers >= 89db, you can get very good volume (my refoamed/sealed cab Boston A60s rock very nicely at 89db), though to really air it out, I would look for a little bit higher efficiency.

I have NOS '74 Sylvania tubes in them, and plan to do the 47uf Auricap upgrade at some point in the near future. These are great-sounding amps, don't let the price dissuade you.

My main rig is Rogue M120 monblocks with Svetlana KT88 tubes (120w per-side) with 104db efficient Klipsch La Scala (pros, larger bass driver)... and I still find much of the same magic in the Waves. They both have the liquidity and intoxicating tonality and involvement that tubes deliver, and I love them both for the punchiness of the push-pull design (I tried the Rogue M120s in Triode, and while the top-end was as sweet as any sound I've heard, the bass was just too shy for me to leave them there.)

I have interconnects costing more than twice as much that I would let go in a heartbeat compared to these amps.
They just got delivered.. I will spend the WHOLE weekend with these cute little attractive amps....
"tunes" cant wait for a full review!
How long will you keep these? A month? :~)
Now seriously,these amps are so impressive...I cant believe that I have spent the last 15 or so years listening to SS..Dave, if you find a pair, buy them, and if you dont like them, sell them to me...They mate with my Triangles so well, but they should as the Triangles were designed to be used with tube amps. Soundstage is marvelous, and a little forward, but very pronounced. Bass extension is remarkable considering the amps wattage factor.
As someone said on this thread, you need to take these little guys seriously. Build is phenomenal, and very attractive to boot..thanks all for your replies.
Now this is my kind of thread! Nothing like a good low powered tube amp! I've thought several times about getting a pair of Wave amps, just to see how they do. You can't beat a low price like that! I had to pay over $4k to get my 2 watt custom 45 amp. I was thinking a pair of Waves, and a set of the Silverline monitors would make a nice setup. Or even a pair of those Moth Audio Cicada single driver floorstanders. How could you go wrong with something like that for under $1k total? Sounds like it could be a winner. Plus, you can tweak them. I love tweaking!
Go for it TW, as Mike stated above, you can change the caps, but that is about all that you can do, and even want to do..
Seriously, they cost less than a 1m set of Red Dawn or Neutral Reference.

I keep thinking... 1m of good interconnects, or 2 great little tube amps? 1m of good interconnects, or 2 great little tube amps? It still blows my mind. Almost everyone can afford to play with a pair, just sell a spare set of ICs off to justify it!

TWL, if you haven't read this article before, it's right up your alley. It's a great example of single-driver, low watt on the cheap. They hit on the same combo you mention:

These amps and their price put the fun back in audio.
Mwilson, I read that link you put up. It was a real fun article. Just what I was thinking about. I just might have to get a pair of those.
Well, I just spent 4 hours with Barefoot Jerry, Film & the BB's, and the Allman Bros, a six pack of Bud, and the here is my conclusion, I am getting another pair and do it up right..
Tunes,another pair of what? 6 packs? Hey,I bet the waves will really sound killer then!
Bud,let me know when you're ready to sell them! :~)
another pair of the waves of course, that should do it...and thanks ya sailor ya...but these are keepers..