Anyone else regenerating A/C?

I just got the Exact Power EP-15a and partnering Ultrapure products to regenerate my entire set-up.Previously I had very good passive units(I've tried a load of stuff),on three dedicated lines.The newest "Exact" stuff trounces anything I have experienced(I've had a competitor's regenerating stuff,which ran too hot),and I am wondering if this technology has a wide following?This new regenerater/Balanced unit produces NO heat,thankfully!
It is REALLY worth looking into.Any other subscribers?
I had PS Audio Premiere Power Plant and there are still issues with loading on this power conditioner that causes heat generation and fan kicking in and the fan is loud. I had connected just 5 low power devices cd trasnport, dac, dish receiver, back up digital cable receiver, and tivo and Premiere Power Plant was straining. Needless to say, I sold this unit. I am using BPT 3.5 Signature Plus and I have all 12 outlets loaded and it doesn't even huff and the sound quality is much better than Premiere Power Plant. BPT 3.5 Signature Plus uses Plitron 2.4VA transformer which is used in many high end amplfier transformers.
ngsarch, " the best energy transfer"? if that is the case I wonder why the EP15A allow only 15A PC ( I knw ur not the designer, just asking yr opinion) . I noticed that Hydra 8 uses 20A PC. Does it mean is better conditioner? TQ
Audioblazer: Most systems probably never draw more than about half of 15 amps from the wall. Some folks do think 20-amp IEC connectors sound better than 15-amp ones, but that's supposedly due to the physical construction of the contacts rather than the amperage rating per se. Either type of connector has a survivability rating higher than its nominal rating (double I think?), but also keep in mind that 20-amp terminated cords and 15-amp terminated cords are in almost all cases actually the same *cords* -- normally only the connectors differ. Anyhow, there's no way one could judge conditioner A to be "better" than conditioner B just because conditioner A uses a 20-amp IEC plug. The EP15A (active) and the Hydra (passive) are very different kinds of devices -- which inlet connectors they use is probably the least of those differences.

Stereo_phile: I'm wondering how you know your P3 was "straining"? Not disputing that you say the fan came on (not that I knew this unit even had a fan) -- or that you find the BPT to sound better in any case -- but if the fan running was the only 'symptom' as it were, isn't it possible that your P3 was working exactly as intended? (Was it located inside an enclosed cabinet?) After all, this is a unit that's rated to supply power amps plus sources. I find it pretty incredible that it should have had any difficulty whatsoever powering the items you plugged into it, provided your unit wasn't somehow broken.
Stereo_phile: There were some problems with some of the P3 units. Even PS Audio admitted to it and offer free fixes/repairs. My unit works flawlessly, I can’t strain this unit for anything plus my fan never comes on. I guess I got a perfect unit. Sorry to hear about your experience. You may have been too quick to judge. The unit does take 400 hours to open up. After that it's pure listening pleasure.
I never met a surge protector nor a regenerator that I could like. I have found very few ac filters or conditioners that don't harm more than they help.
Joeyboynj, I found the PS Audio regenerators removed the dynamics from the music. I did try to use the units for a long time before giving up. Maybe my horn speakers and their dynamics made me more conscious of this.
Tbg, I can totally understand your dissatisfaction w/ the PS audio power stuff, they just can't refrain from loading up their equipment with dynamics-squashing components like chokes and filters -- but that's no reason to throw the baby out w/ the bathwater. My Exactpower EP-15A regenerator has IMPROVED amplifier dynamics if anything, a conclusion BTW shared by many other people, not just me.
Tbg, The P3 took a really long time for it to open up and bloom. It's still getting better now well over 600 hours. It seems to sound better when their is a large load/watts running through it at all times. When I first plugged in my P3 the dynamics were all gone and music sounded flat. But the guys/gals on PS Audio forum encouraged me to stay with it and they were right. It did open up and deliver better detail, texture, transparency, dynamics, super low noise floor. The blackest background I ever heard.
I have a good friend who has a P-300 connected to his front end stuff.Pre/phonostage,CD,and Turntable.He had a UPC-200 on his Rowland 8t,and had gone through a good amount of other devices before settling on this combo.My "other group" of audio pals are from the "old" school,with bad Tice experience,and will never admit to the superiority of today's best "conditioners/regenerators"(call them what you will).
That being said,after I connected my EP-15a/Ultrapure combo,to my entire system,he wanted a similar result,without selling his P-300,which he likes.The EXACT POWER stuff is amazing(I had a P-500 which failed,as did it's replacement,sadly)!So,we decided he should keep the very reliable P-300 and add balanced A/C for the amp.Getting rid of the UPC-200,band aid,as it turned out,and adding a Balanced Power Technology "maxxed out" model TWO(not the 20 amp 3.5 as the designer felt all he needed for the Rowland was this unit.He wound up paying about 1300 dollars for it.
Well,the results were STUNNING.There was no way one could rationalize this approach as anything but far superior,to what he had before.
Of course the "old world" friends of ours STILL won't give credit to this,stating the difference is to be contributed to other factors,having been done.Quite humorous,actually,and my pal is "peeved" at some of the naysayer guys in our circle.They just refuse to give him the "thumbs up"!Their loss,as far as I am concerned.It was SO obvious from the get-go.
BTW,my EP-15a never puts out more than 465 wps powering my system.I could not be happier!
Best to all!
I sold my ps audio p600. It was killed by a two hundred fourty dollar mapleshade double helix power strip.
MY P3 was not good for my Atma-sphere MA1's but for other gear it is.

I now use a duet on the MA1's and it seems to clean them up a bit without removing dymanics.