Anyone else regenerating A/C?

I just got the Exact Power EP-15a and partnering Ultrapure products to regenerate my entire set-up.Previously I had very good passive units(I've tried a load of stuff),on three dedicated lines.The newest "Exact" stuff trounces anything I have experienced(I've had a competitor's regenerating stuff,which ran too hot),and I am wondering if this technology has a wide following?This new regenerater/Balanced unit produces NO heat,thankfully!
It is REALLY worth looking into.Any other subscribers?

Showing 4 responses by allanblissett

You're right again.
You know what they say, "you can lead a horse to the water,but you cann't make him drink" ;)


The Exactpower is a superior product to the PS Audio, and as you say, PS Audio does seem to be all about mass produced profits. You can tell by how they push out new stuff everyday.
I have two EP15As, one in my HT system thats allways on, and the other in a dedicated tube system. They have worked flawlessly. I live in the lightening capital, Florida, so being a little paranoid, I have each one pluged into a audio grade Brick Wall surge protector, which I think IS the best surge protection. The Brick Wall is less than $300 new, so I figure the worse would be that it would be the sacrificial lamb.
But the point is, that even going through the Brick Wall, the EP15a shows no sign of problems or negative change in sound whatsoever.
The stable AC is what sold me on them at first, then the filtering and surge protection is just extra.

In the tube system, I use the one button to power up everything except the amps, which I turn on about 15 seconds after. That way there isn't too much demand on the EP15a reserve before it gets a chance to stabilize.

One other good thing about Exactpower I was told, is that as they improve the models, you can have yours upgraded by them.

Happy listening,


Check thier website,
I think the Brick Wall is what PS Audio tried to copy when they did the UO.I also had a 20amp UO before I found Brick Wall, and every time I would try to pin PSA down on the surge capabilities of the UO, they would be VERY vague about it, like that was secondary.
The Brick Wall also do a bit of filtering, but surge is thier big thing. They have standard models for general household stuff, and audio models that dose not limit current.
Used ones show up on Agon once in a while, you have to keep a sharp eye.