Anyone else love their Accuphase 75V?

Ain't had it long (one month) but I've already fallen hard for it. The build quality is excellent, though the transport isn't quite up to the quality of, for instance, the CEC 2X.
Have mine (purchased a month ago, or so) direct (AU24) to my Edge NL-10, and then (Discovery Essential) to the SF EAIIs: heaven! It just gets better every day (got the AUs just a week ago), more liquid, better soundstaging, more authority.
I can only envision a sub adding much, at this point, (my "old" system had a superb Hsu TN 1220), but I'm enjoying so much exploring my cd collection (and all the new ones I've been energized to buy!) that I don't think I'll bother for quite some time---'cause what I'm getting is sooooo fine. Don't believe what some say about needing a preamp: I had a Pass 2.5 and X250 and believe me, I've not given up anything.