Anyone driving Maggie 1.6 with a Plinius 8200MK11

Looking at possibly getting the Plinius, any first hand experience with the amp driving Maggies? My other amp in mind was a Krell KAV 300il, any help appreciated. FYI room is 17x27 with 8 foot ceiling, listen to mostly modern country, rock etc.


Showing 1 response by johnnyb53

I don't have a a Plinius amp or Maggie 1.6s, BUT I do have the newer Magie 1.7s powered by Plinius's fellow countryman, the Perreaux PMF1150B. I suspect Plinius and Perreaux probably have a similar design philosophy and house sound. At any rate, the Perreaux is an excellent match with my Maggies, with a combination of speed, refinement, and high current that can sing into 4 ohms all day long with no sign of distress.

If the Plinius has bandwidth and current delivery similar to the Perreaux, it should be one of the better matches out there.