anyone ditch their metal speaker stands?

While cleaning up just recently. I was moving speakers and stands away from the wall just to get at that horrible dust bunnies that grow like tumble weed, I decided to place the speakers back in there determined spot{Sound Dynamics 300ti} and play some music while tiding up. I sat down and I was pleasantly surprised.I was enjoying the speakers while realizing less of a mechanical sounding presentation with more soul and body. The stands are rather heavy.And sand filled with the typical metal resting plate. Now I am confused to the point. Should I substitute them with what and have any audiogoners tried another avenue and ditched the metal? Thanks

Showing 1 response by schubert

Long ago I was setting up a monitor on metal Target stands
I had just bought and filled with 30 lbs of birdshot.
A friend of mine was there at the time, he listened to a few
record sides, got up and put the speakers on the box they came in.
I had to agree they did sound better his way.