Anyone compared Ack 1.2E with Audio Mirror

Can anyone compare there 2 dacs as far as sound goes? I have a Planet 2000 for transport, with full tube system, also a Tripath amp. Thanks for your time, Alan

Showing 2 responses by gunbei

I've compared the Ack! dAck! 2.0 versus the Audio Mirror D1 in my system, and I think Skyboy's second post in the link Dave pointed you towards sums it up well.

Briefly I think the Audio Mirror is a more dynamic, expansive and organically colored DAC compare to the Ack! which has a more neutral, laid back and even balanced presentation.
Welcome aboard, Alan!

I had forgotten how flowery SkyBoy's post was, heheh, but some of his remarks helped me make a buying decision and were definitely realized when I heard the Ack! and Audio Mirror side by side in my room.

I'm currently in the middle of a transaction to sell my Ack! and I'm keeping the Audio Mirror. However, I don't think one is necessarily better than the other. The Audio Mirror just suits my taste more and works better with my system towards the sound I'm trying to shape. I like my music to sound like Sophia Loren looks, if you know what I mean. :°)

I'll try to stay flexible. Just don't grab one of my legs and throw me up in the air like a spinning starfish. I'll likely split right at the crotch from the centrifugal force. I know that from experience.

Art Clokey rules, and Pokey drools!