anyone biamping with B&K ST-140?

Anyone tried biamping with two B&K ST-140 amps? I want to biamp my Paradigm Studio 60 v.2 speakers. Any have this set-up? Also, any idea on the different ST-140 amps? I've seen some with handles and some without. I have also seen some with blue and red lettering and some without. Do I have to have two identical ST-140 amps to biamp? Will I need an external crossover? thanks

Showing 1 response by bday0000

I am using a BK AV5000 to Bi-WIRE (actually tri-wire) a pair of Def Tech BP2000's for my Dad's home theatre. It sounds quite nice. I don't know if that helps you, I just thought I would throw that in.

Brad Day
Atlanta, GA