Anybody upgrade their Zu Omen DWs to Souls?

I'm looking at my options to use the full trade in value of Omen DWs towards something higher in the Zu lineup. From where my finances sit, the model that makes most sense is the Soul. I'm wondering just how and how much different they would be from what I have. It's a little less clear cut since my ODWs have the drivers from the 08 Druids, not the current models. My amplification is a Audio Nirvana 6V6 (12 watts) which drives the ODWs with impunity. My musical taste is diverse.  Thanks for any insight.
@audiewww Now that you have had some more time with the Souls, do you have any more observations to add?
@audiewww Fantastic.  Glad to hear you like them.  I will re-read this review.  My DWs will ship this week and I can't wait to hear them.  Thank you for sharing and I'd love to hear any other observations as they continue to break in.
The jury has returned and the verdict is in. Souls win! They needed a couple of weeks steady (10+ hours/day) break in to lose some treble grain, but thinking they had improved enough to decide I did a comparison with the ODWs this weekend and the Souls are very compelling. If you read John Darko's review of them it's pretty spot on. The ODWs are very good speakers, especially for the money, but the Souls are next level good. I had every intention of sending them back if they weren't worth the extra cash, but for me they are. 
I'm not sure exactly, but because the walnut cabinets are already on hand I was told they would be ready to ship in one to two weeks. I'll be optimistic and hope for end of this month.  

However long it takes, it's too long :-)
Interesting. I had done the same with the 15 ohm resistors but with an NAD C368 driving them. As in your case it softened them a bit but didn't give me what I was looking for. I decided to follow the generally accepted path of lower wattage tubes resulting in a substantial, welcomed change. Your point about synergy between amp and speaker is well taken. I enjoy listening to this combination a lot. I would be just fine leaving it as is if i weren't for the full trade in value offered by Zu. 
I just added a pair of the Zu 10 ohm speaker loading resistors to my set of dirty weekend's. I power them with a Manley I pod Stingray and was never happy with them. The Stingray is set at 5 ohm output and the Zu's at 12 to 14 ohms,  so I figured it was worth a try.  After hooking them up the sound totally changed for the best. They flatted out and softened up a lot. Synergy between amps and speakers is way overlooked. This change in sound was much grater then any tube rolling, cable changing ,room enhancing I have ever done.
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With what information is available, and the generous terms, I decided to trade up. A set of walnut cabinets are already handy so the wait will be minimal. I'll update this when they have had a chance to tell me they do or don't belong in my listening space. 
I'm sorry that I can't offer more advice.  Please, keep us update on what you discover between the two or please PM me.  I'm in practically the same boat.  Thank you.
I'm betting my amp will work with the Souls. I really don't want to trigger the need to change it to suit the new speaker. I've corresponded with them about the upgrade logistics and it's about as good a situation as you could ask for. They don't credit you with your trade until they receive/inspect them so it's entirely your decision when to send them back. If you can make the finances work, you can keep the ones your trading while you audition the new speakers (also carrying the 60 day trial period). If the new ones aren't working for you, keep the trades and send 'em back. Can't beat that.
I just order DWs and I was hoping to upgrade to the same speaker eventually.  In addition to the sound, it would be very interesting to know if your amp would work just as well with the Souls or another speaker.  It may be worth it to just call Sean and ask his opinion.  Every time that I have called, he answers the phone himself and is a very nice man to speak to.  Please report back if you figure anything out.  I am very interesting in hearing what you learn.