Anybody tried Naim integrated with ATC speakers?

I have a pair of ATC SCM 19 stand mounted speakers, said to be rather less sensitive. I wonder how would they sound with a Naim integrated. The last model of Naim, XS, is rated at 60 watts per channel, quite a lot for a Naim, but would it be enough for ATC?
Although I don't listen to high decibels, I need a good resolution, for my large collection of large orchestral works.

Showing 1 response by hoggshead

I once owned ATC SCM 12's and drove them with a Naim 112/150 combo (50 watts/channel). There was not enough oomph to really make the speakers shine. I changed to a LFD dual-mono 90 watts/channel. The difference was quite noticeable with much more authority, impact and bass.
