Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?

Showing 4 responses by tonyptony

"I just had a pair of the Purist Annivesary (Aqueous?) IC's in my sytem and didn't like them very well"

Chris, I am very interested in this. Between which components did you use the Aqueous? Are your comments in direct comparison to the Venustas in the same location?
Cmo and Tvad, since you both have had a chance to hear the 20th Anniversary Aqueous and the Venustas, I'd like to get your thoughts on which has better high frequency extension. Not "pushed" mind you, but open, clear, still musical.

If there's one thing that holds me back from the Venustas is that I've heard they can be a little "closed" in the midrange. Not as open or articulate as some. Your thoughts on this as well would be very much appreciated.
Thanks guys. You both have been a great help. Like all cable matching issues it sounds like there's no free lunch here. A careful selection of cables is needed even in the highest echelon of IC products.
Well, I called Purist Audio today and spoke with Jim Aud (when the receptionist transferred the call he picked up!). Interestingly, he is aware of a long running discussion about the Aqueous going on somewhere on the web; I'm assuming this is the one he heard about.

He did indicate that the AA sounds not too good straight out of the bag, and takes more than about 250 hours or so to begin sounding really good. He admitted he's not sure why this is. His description of the initial sound of the cables was very much like what Cmo indicated in this thread. I asked him if it was okay for me to pass this info along and he said yes. He seems like a pretty nice guy.

BTW, I called Purist about some other stuff, and figured if I had Jim on the phone I may as well ask about this. I made sure I wasn't taking up too much of this time. He was very nice about it.