Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?

Showing 3 responses by tboooe

i am currently auditioning the Aniversary Aqueous cables in my system right now. They are definitely nice cables. Pretty smooth in the mid range with a nice full bottom end. The cables have only been in my system for 2 days...I will comment more as I get a chance to listen to them more. So far, I like them more than the other cables I have heard (Acoustic Zen, Synergistic Research, Transparent, Nordost). I am looking to add better soundstaging to my system with some emphasis on vocals. i want a holographic imaging of the vocals. these cables do a nice job of presenting the vocals in a smooth manner.

more to come later.
nutella, i am auditioning the Aqueous cables right now in my system. I have also auditioned the Museaous cables. The Purist cables are very smooth with a nice solid bottome end. My system does not exhibit the Vividness that Jafox describes but I like detail and resolution. The sound is slightly on the warm side of neutral which I like. All in all, I like this cable in my system. It does a great job portraying vocals in a silky smooth manner. I do want to try out the Venustas though.
louis1, I am thinking about the Aqueous or Venustas as well. If you dont mind I would be greatly interested to hear what Purist says about these two cables.