Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?

Showing 8 responses by mapleleafs3

I dont do engineer speak. Use your ears, what was stated was opinion not facts that relate to the sound quality of the cable. Pull out the 84 white papers and enjoy them > ilisten to music, not Phycobabble.
For a tenth of the price you can do just as well. When will people realise how much they are getting ripped by the cable hoax. Yes cables make a difference. But you dont need to spend more than a few hundred dollars to ge the best thier is. Its not like a car where you get what you pay for. Wire is wire. Spend money on gear. Put it in a great source.
Nutella, are you not an Italian chocolate spread. Great on toast.

just buy some beldon cable a buck a foot put some shrink wrap on it ok RCA's and there you go. Its not rocket science.

Strip the cable and I bet you its Either made by beldon or pirelli and a 100 foot spool is like 100.00. Then Purist puts a pretty jacket on it.
Nutella. go to tnt audio jon Risch site pick a rwecipe and go on your way.

Wires are the lat part of you sysytem. Spend the money on gear first.

If you have more money in wire than you have in your source, you re not hearing your speakers as well as you should be. When you have sttlled on you system then work the wire.
Try some Cat 5 cable triple runs twisted around each other put in a teflon tube then shrink wrap. Go bare wire. Use Caig to clean the terminals and bare wire. Pretty simple but also pretty darn good. Us them in my HT system.
Tonyptony, high quality cat 5 cable is very cappable of being good speaker Cable. Its intended use requires much greater transfer quality than just any cable. The sheer volume its made in makes it inexspensive, not chaep or bad sounding. Its a great Cable the scares many people.It is labour intensive to make, but hte results warrant it if thats your think.
You can engineer speak all you want. Theroy and reality are not allways the same thing. Takes an open mind.
Purist uses lamp cord. Period and puts a nice dress on it. A fool os born every day, Purist lamp cord in desiner dress