Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?

Showing 11 responses by cmo

Yeah, ur uh.......... Oh yes, those Audioquest cables are by far the best cables I have ever heard......... They sound like nothing at all......... Guido??

I had a pair of one meter IC's between my CD player and Preamp. Other IC's I compared them to where: Purist Venustas, Audioquest Sky, and Cardas golden cross. I prety much liked the cables in this order too........... I am still sold on the Venustas. I think they outperformed the others hands down. Like I always say though....... This was in my room, in my sytem, with my music. So YMMV...

I just had a pair of the Purist Annivesary (Aqueous?) IC's in my sytem and didn't like them very well. I was expecting big things becouse I have been so impressed with the other Purist stuff I have tried.

I currently have Purist Venustas Bi-wire skr. cables and IC's. ALso running Hovland MG II's on my TT, and Audioquest Sky on CD player. I found the Anniversary's to be closed in sounding with little detail, or resolution. Bottom end was lacking too........ Sorry, but they just didn't work for me.

John and Tvad,

You findings on the Anniversary cables are interesting. I am not sure what's going on, but I heard almost the opposite in my system when comparing them to Venustas and other cables. It was as if a scrim was put over my view of the music as the AA cables were most subtractive in upper octave energy. Both the Venustas and Sky that I have for comparison restored detail and resolution when I went back to them. The AA felt very soft in the bottom end as well.............. Hmmmmmm

Mine were from the Cable Company..... It really sounds like the cables I tried where not broken in. However, I was told that they had been in their demo stock for about four weeks, and I would think that they put them on some kind of cable cooker to begin with. It's kind of a shame becouse I really was expecting big things from the AA.


What the hell do you know! I bet that got your attention....... Hah! Just shows to go. I am about to put my Audioquest Sky's up for sale so I can buy another pair of Venustas............ Guido???

Well.......... It's like I said earlier; I greatly preferred the Venustas to the AA. I don't know if it was some kind of system mis-match (which I doubt) or the cables were not broken in as advertised. I have not found a cable that I prefer to the Venustas in my system. Are they closed in?........ NOT. I find them to be as detailed as the AQ Sky, but to also have a more textured, three dimensional quality. Guido is right on the money with his assessment of the Sky; it's very revealing and extended from top to bottom. The point that I think the Venustas betters the AQ (and where I differ from Guido's take) is in Harmonic complexity........... and again, that happens (for me) in the midrange.

The one place that I think the AQ betters the Venustas is bottom end extension. The bass is a little tighter and deeper with the AQ.

As to the question of AA or venustas..... I would have to say borrow the cables from the Cable Co. and judge for yourself. I am not trying to be elusive, but it looks like people are having some very different results with the AA at this point.
Is Cat wire somehow related to Bird flu???????

For a review of the Purist Venustas speaker cables you can check out my review.

Could it be the Cable Company's cables are not broken in as stated? That's where mine came from too.......... They are the ones Guido and I heard to be closed in on top........ I kinda thought someone had stuffed a giant sock down the throat of my speakers.

He was growing a beard............. And starting to develop a nervous arm flapping movement????

I had the cables in my system for about a week (30-40 hrs??). I heard no change during my time with them......... If it's like Albert says, we may have been WAY off the mark.

BTW, my system is both yin and yang...... that's why I like it so much.