Anybody Listen Voxativ?

I am planning to by Voxativ Speakers, I need some feedback from  owners Voxativ
The Voxativ drivers are wideband drivers - single point source.  Absolutely glorious.  I have a 5" AF-2.6 in DIY cabinets supplemented by a Rel S/5 SHO and its all I need in a nearfield setting (I sit about 7-8' from the speakers).  The Voxativ sound is another word for transparency. As you move up to the 8" drivers you get more low end ...but I think the sub-bass of the Rel, while perhaps not as super fast as the units on the 9.87, does a great job.

to ct007.  I live in Victoria Tx. My daughter lives in Plano and the wife and I get up there occasionally.  I have a pair of lamhorn 1.8 with an aer 2B driver.  We would love to hear your Voxaativ's.  Would like to discuss them with you if you have time. My email is 

Thanks enjoyed your post. 
do these play pretty loud by chance, not concert level but decent volume level?  also, how do they do with classic rock, delta blues and folk/voice/etc

I have gone to RMAF for a number of years, and there was a guy in the main lobby area each year using voxativ drivers. He was usually playing piano music at moderate volume. I never heard better reproduction of piano sound. I can’t vouch for how they would sound at loud volumes, but boy did they sound real.