Anybody heard of Falcon Acoustics?

This British company makes a speaker line with lots of similarities to the IMF speakers of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.  I used to have a pair of IMF Monitors which I thought were great speakers.  I regret selling them.  Falcon makes a speaker called the IMF 200, which has many similarities to the old IMF speakers.

Have any members of the Audiogon community heard these speakers from Falcon Acoustics?  What are your thoughts on them?


Showing 3 responses by larryi

Falcon’s clones of old classics are terrific sounding.  I like their version of the BBC monitor LS3\5A.

Falcon speakers were found at dealerships until a little more than a year ago when they changed to a direct sales approach.  

That is probably correct.  The LOS3/5a was sold through dealers, with MoFi acting as the distributor.  That did not last long, and it seemed a bit unfair to dealers who showed the speakers to customers, promoted the speaker, and then shortly thereafter, had the rug pulled out from under them.