Any word on the Blue Angel "Mantis"?

Hi all! - I am trying a cartridge that raised the bar in my conception of analog reproduction, the "Mantis" is keeping me awake rediscovering my entire vinyl... but I have found not too much information on this South African jewel.

I will appreciate any word regarding this marvel and help me in my investment decision.

Thanking in advance.


Showing 15 responses by flg2001

Axel - this is the ruby canteliver and exotic wood model, I can't disclose the asking price right now but it is far low the 5k you mention.

Any source of the reviews you mention?

Davidss - what version of the Mantis are you using? I have a ruby/blackwood

Thanks for your feedback - I am havinf the opportunity to try & buy thanks to a generous offer from the seller. I compared the "Mantis" with my current Dynavector XX2 and heard some others at friends installations.

We have all agreed that this has been the best analog reproduction I have had in 30 years, and looks hard to beat it with similar priced options.

I have received some mails directly from a couple of "Mantis" owners that are willing to speak with me by phone and share their impressions - both sound very happy customers so far.

I am deciding to keep it, it is by far the best cartiridge I have heard so far - it is very picky with VTA adjustments and overhang - once properly set up it sounds fantastic, very musical, honest and full of energy.

I have a week so far with the "Mantis" and still keeps me awake and re-listening my LP collection. I read a review somewhere stating that this is an "honest sounding" cartridge - and I fully agree.

It has all the tonal palettes correct, great dynamics and excellent resolution of both inner details and full scale re-creation.

I don't mind if this is an MC or an MM cartridge, just as when a good Tube or SS amp is in the chain - one forgets the design principle since the system gets me back to the music, to the performance and to the artistic event.


Hi Axel - I got the Mantis far from the 5k mentioned earlier here, way south
that figure! Not a drop!


I am glad that your MI cartridge is giving you that level of musical satisfaction Axel - Raul and some other guys down here are also experimenting great results with inexpensive cartridges (MM and MI designs).

I ended up paying @ $2,200 usd for the "Mantis", I considered it a great buy and a bargain.

Take care,
Axel - just for curiosity, would you consider selling to me your 3 5k cartridge?
(you can answer me privately if you wish).

Raul - your note left me speechless and I really can't tell where that
agressiveness came from. I enjoy the music but also my friends. I feel sorry if I
said something that disturbed you in any way and apologize in advance if that
did happen.
Thanks Axel/Raul - As I said I already bought the "Mantis" and, to my ears, it is the best analog reproduction I have had in my system.

I will defintely consider listening to MM/MI in the future since I am open to all options (I am currently listening digital thru mi iPOD (WAV files)/Wadia 170i/Reimyo DAC as well) - so you can tell how "open" I am in this regard.

I am sure there are better options out there - I have learned that system sinergy and balance is a critical factor to obtain great performance - and that does not neccesary mean to pour top dollars at each link.

I would like to thank all who privately or thru this thread shared their opinion, it all served to document my decision for the "Mantis".


Chosenhandle - I recall one dealer in the US who had at least one stock Mantis. I got to him thru Google but did not take the precaution to save his URL. I will try again and, if I found them, will post his info here.

Very cool pictures David!

I am very happy with mine as well - no need to look elsewhere....