Any way to shield a non-sheilded center channel ?

Hello! I just purchased a Totem Mite-T center channel speaker here on Audiogon. Much to my dismay, I just discovered that it was un-shielded after setting it on top of the Sony XBR TV. It is a shame to discover this, since it has a good tonal match to my front speakers, and even the wife says it is attractive! The seller has already agreed to take it back minus the shipping cost, which was very kind of him to offer. Is there anything that can be done inside the cabinet that can cure this problem, or should I just ship it back to him? Thanks for your help!

Showing 1 response by bigshutterbug

I want to thank each of you for your thoughts on the matter at hand! I wish I could move the speaker just a few feet away, but in the rack that things are in, we have no choice but to put it right on top of the speaker.
I will try some of the ideas that you all have mentioned, and see what happens tomorrow evening. If they do not work out well, I will just have to return it and try to find another shielded center to take the place of the Totem. Any suggestions for one that would be either dark cherry or mahogany finish, not too large, and $300 or under to match sonically with front Triangle speakers? Let me know...THANKS!