Any Wadia 27 DAC users here? Need some help with remote and No data error.

Tried contacting Wadia website number and George Mayer’s without much help. Hopefully I can trouble shoot with your help.
BTW, called back  George Mayer’and he was very helpful,I may have to send this to them but am thinking whether it is worth th4e cost when the technology has changed so much since this Wadia.
I think that is what it is. It came with Wadia (marked Wadia Corporation on the cable). The exact message on the display is: :IN 1: Glass Optical. No Data. I was able to program a universal remote and stepped through other inputs. Same result everywhere. Last time I have this many years ago, when it was resolved by changing the cable, but not this time.
If I remember correctly, all inputs can be off or on. Is the input you're using on?