Any updates to the Boulder 865 integrated coming?

It looks like the Boulder 865 has been out for a while. I have not heard it yet, but I am considering it for a pair of Sonus Faber Evolutions. My Job 225 sounds great on them but my Dartzeel 108 seem just a little too polite on the Evos. It smooth and wonderful but I am looking for something a little more forward and upfront for the Evos. Thanks for any recommendations.
Joe, let us know how your auditions go. Edgar's review is pretty honest and informative. The Stereophile review is also worth a read -
Awesome! Thank you for the link. I love the looks and build quality. I just need to hear it now. Thanks.
Hi Joe, I asked my Dealer who carries Boulder about this. He said the next new Boulder products would be the new 2100 series, then a new 3000 series preamp. All that would take 2-3 years and then they might work on 800 series. I wouldn't say the 865 is forward sounding. Boulder aim for neutral. I once asked Rich Maez the same question about the 1060 who replied "If you go hunting on-line, you'll find commentary that claims we're bright, dark, fast, slow, etc. In general, when none of the commentary is consistent, we take it mean that we're transparent or neutral. That's what we aim for - we don't voice our equipment to sound a certain way and instead make it as faithful to the recording as possible - if a recording has an up-front presentation, the 1060 will, if it has a "back of the hall" presentation, so will the 1060." And the 865 will be much the same.

I like the sound of the 865. It has plenty of power and control, and sounds essentially natural. It is an easy amp to listen to, and of course has great build quality and user friendliness. If you're considering this amp, i'd recommend reading Edgar Kramer's review & lab test for Australian Hifi -