Any updated opinions on TW Acustics Raven GT/10.5?

This table is at the top of my list, along side a Kuzma Stabi Reference and 4point. Had anyone heard it? What are your impressions? I know they're a couple of members here that loath everything about TW Acustic, so you needn't chime in, as I already know how you feel. New criticisms are more then welcome though.

Showing 1 response by goldeneraguy

Hi Guys ...
I have the GT with AC/platter and 10.5 arm
To say it is magical would be an understatement.
I LOVE THIS FRONT END.Of course my Tron Syren is another BIG PLUS,
The TW GT replaced a Kuzma Stabi Reference with a Kuzma Stogi Ref. and later a Basis Vector arm.I read great things on the 4 Point but never had the oppertunity to hear it.
The feet and platform used beneath GT are more critical then what is used with the Kuzma table which is suspended.
Best of luck with your decision