Any update on Mark Levinson 5000 reliability?

Searching has not been fruitful. I know that the ml 5805 (analog/digital) integrated has serious reliability issues, but those were 2019/2020/2021 units from what I can tell. Does anyone know anything more recent? It was also suggested that the 5802 (digital) version did not have the same problems. I think I would be most interested in that version. I'm hunting for any news at all! 

By weight and components, this should be a very powerful and reliable integrated amp. The digital/firmware world is wreaking havoc on the electronics lifecycle. There is an Ayre EX-8 2.0 for sale here, super interested, but I cannot imagine a 24lb (digital I think) amplifier is going to drive like the ML ~70-ish lb Class A/B amplifier.

Note - I did ask ML directly. No help at all. They gave me a canned response to reach out to a dealer... I am working with one, but they cannot answer the question either. 


Showing 2 responses by smoothtech

Understood Patrick. I would not assume that either... just that the ML is impressive compared to the Ayre in stature. 

Thanks, Sergey... I can buy one for close to dealer cost (like new) from a dealer friend. Most recommendations being made are for integrated amps that would cost $3-4k more. In mint condition, this seems like a great integrated amp for $5k.