Any tube experts out there?

Cleaning out and organizing my audio and camera closet I got all the way to the back where I founds something I had long forgotten I had...... bought maybe 15 or more years ago. A pair of Siemens and Halske 6922 CCa Grey Plates with round getter and the following codes.... 34.210 and 32.176. In the dark recesses of my memory I remember buying a few pairs of NOS of these 15 or 16 years ago... pins and writing on the tubes is immaculate, like brand new.
Anyone got an idea what date these are? I had gotten some real beauties from this guy back them.. 1958 Pinched Waist Valvos and other stuff you just didn’t see, even back then..

Showing 1 response by jjss49

They are tube production designation codes. LOL, for you newbies... and almost all of you are. The venerable 6DJ8 tube had many replacements, If you don’t know what type of equipment it was used in you can stop reading here. It was a superior voltage amplification tube to coupe with a amperage amplification amplifier. Actually, the year and vintage I cited was the best ever mad according to all reliable sources.

op asking for help yet being condescending... nice...

having said that -- this is a case where being able to post a pic would be so helpful