Any tricks to keep cats away from speaker grills?

Hi all,
I have cats and they finally damaged one of my speaker grills. I know that the reflex would be to inflict pain to them but I would prefer to use a passive/preventive method.


Showing 1 response by goliverjr

Cats ain't seen the speakers since Stanley, the German Shepherd arrived. One cat was my best listening partner, often found lying on her back in front of the right speaker, or beside me on the couch. Stanley prefers the floor between the speakers, next to the couch. All cats declawed in front, so no problem to begin with. I do have 2 gates so Stanley can't get in unaccompanied, as he sometimes likes to chew, and my fantasy is if the electric cords don't get him, I would. Oh yeah, cats are in basement family room with home theater. No problems there, but the ferrets liked the port in the subwoofer.