I have owned TiVo for 6 mo. The modem in the unit went on the blink last week. TiVo is sending me a new unit as we speak, this was sort of disappointing but hopefully this does not represent a problem in quality control. The point: I am going crazy without it !!!! I mean this seriously, I would rather do without my microwave oven. !!! TiVo is by far the best electronic component I've ever purchased. I own over $35,000 in electronics, some of the componets were over $5,000 dollars each, and still I like TiVo the best. TiVo works the best if you have either Sat. or cable or both. I don't usually post letters anywhere but I feel that strongly about this that I took the time. I'm so sick of commercials !!! You will never have to watch a commercial again!!! and being able to pause live TV is so nice. Do you know some 30 min shows, like your local news on Sat. & Sun nights have 13 min of programing and 17 min of commercials !!!! With TiVo it easy to keep track of these things. Think of what this product will do to the 60 billion dollars spent on advertising a year, when everybody learns how great this product is, and buys one and than stops watching commercials !! The advertising industry is already worried about this. I think it might be a good time to buy stock in TiVo, it's trading at about $20.00 a share under the call sign of "tivo". The company is backed buy large companys like AOL,DirectTV and more. Walmart is going to start selling them soon for $300. Anyone that comes to my house and uses it for a short while goes out and buys there own. Need I say anymore.