Any thoughts on the Avid Acutus?

Would be replacing Oracle Delphi V, Triplanar IV, Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum with the Avid, Triplanar VI, Benz Micro LP Ebony. My ears tell me I'd be nicely enhancing my former rig's sound with a similar but more dynamic sonic signature. Or is this an expensive lateral move?

Showing 1 response by cello

I think Raul has a good point and you should step your way through the changes.
The Tri-Planar VII is a terrific arm. Better (a bit more money), in my opinion, would be a Schroder Reference.
I own both the KRSP and the ZYX UNIverse. I love the KRSP, but the UNIverse is so far better in all areas than the Koetsu that they are not even close to being in the same field of reference.
I like the Teres line of tables and think that the model 320 and up are really at the top of the heap.
I would suggest that you start with changing out one piece and then evolve your way through making a decision on the other two pieces. The UNIverse would be a great start and then move from there. I think that adding the UNIverse is still the largest single jump my system has enjoyed of any component, cable or tweak changes I have made.