Any thoughts on Music Reference RM200

I am thinking of purchasing a Music Reference RM200. They have been out for some time and I am wondering if they have changed over the years to warrant a new purchase or look for a used amp. I would be using these on Apogee Scintillas so they better be in top operating condition. I am told that they can handle a one ohm load. Any thoughts on their sonic signature would also be appreciated. Bob

Showing 4 responses by baranyi

I have the H2o's on one system and they are very good. I have two pairs of Scintillas and was hoping to try tubes on the second pair just to try something different. I think the Soundlabs need voltage whereas the Scintillas need current and lots of it. Bob
Thanks for the responses! I was also thinking of using two of the RM200's. I believe they can be strapped into mono. Dave, thanks for the tip on the Manleys. I definitely am open minded on what to use for the Scintillas. I have been told that the RM200's are great amps, what amps would you most closely compare them to? Bob
Thanks Mike for your thoughts. It is interesting that I have had such a variety of thoughts on this subject. I also posted this on the Apogee website and again the response was split. I can tell you that the H2o's drive the speaker effortlessly. I have a second pair of Scintillas that will be put into service and I thought it would be interesting to try something different. As an audiophile, I can't seem to stop trying different sources and amplification!
Mikesinger-come to the Apogee forum and see that Apogee owners are alive and well in continuing to maintain this fine brand's speakers. Bob