Any system ever moved you emotionally like this?

Below is a recent quote from the LA Times from a concert violinist after he had played a violin made by the late 1600's master, Antonio Stradivari.

"After I played the Mendelssohn Concerto on it, I cried like a baby," McHugh recalled. It was "smooth, as sweet as could be. . . . It was something I had a love affair with."

Ever been moved to tears by a system? If so, what song was playing and what comprised the system?

Showing 2 responses by emorawski

BAT 3ix, Musical Fidelity A308 AMP, MF A308CDP, Olympic Audio Speakers. When I play Eva Cassidy's "Fields of Gold" or Alison Krauss "It Doesn't Matter" or other favorite tracks and either I get chills or the hairs on my neck stand up and sometimes I even shed a tear- that's when I know my system is perfect.
You're right about Michelle Kwan- she actually got some award from Cassidy's family I believe for using Fields Of Gold in her programs.