any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with

I am doing a major upgrade on my home theater system. I want to upgrade my streamer. I can spend around $4500 if I have to. My dealer played a Lumin T2 and the music, Tidal, sounded amazing. He said I would be okay with the D2 if I wanted to save money
Any one have any experience with the the Lumin's. I am open to other streamers, it does not have to be Lumin. Thanks 

Showing 1 response by tk949

I’ve been using a Primare NP5 for the past 6 months after using a Bluesound node. I am really pleased with it. Gapless playback, solid built application and not overly expensive. Not to mention it sounds better and its Roon Ready. My only gripe is that it doesn’t output audio via USB. I will try adding an ifi power adapter at some point. I went this direction because I like trying out different DACs . But I only stream music for background noise or to sample an album before buying .