yup, money is definitely a consideration. my oracle is updated to all mk-v specs, except for the motor/power-supply, which is the o-l unit. as set-up, w/the o-l arm, i've got $1800 into it - which includes the cost of the 'table. not exactly cheap, but i tink ewe could spend a lot more to get what may end up to be only minor improvements. the oracle, the o-l power supply, & their modded arms - especially the rb250, hold their own w/the best out there, at relatively reasonable prices. for someone who already owns an oracle, updating to mk-v specs, getting the o-l arm & motor-p/s set-up, can get a taste of the best, on the cheap. and, an et2 arm can get ya a few bucks back, on the used market.
regards, doug s.