Any smooth jazz fans out there?

I've really become quite the smooth jazz fan over these past few years having Sirius radio and the Watercolors station. I've taken a liking to Brian Hughes smooth jazz guitar. Anyone know him? He's from California and performs that west coast sound. If you've ever heard the background music on the Weather Channel when they broadcast weather on the 8's, that's Brian Hughes. Listen over a great sound system and you'll love it. Also names such as Lee Ritenour, Larry Carlton, Fourplay, Norman Brown, Euge Groove, Paul Taylor, Peter White, and the of course Spyro Gyra. Any feedback?

Showing 3 responses by abucktwoeighty

I don't like classical, but I don't call it crap. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it crap. I suppose anything some of you don't agree with is all crap. Tired of this. He didn't ask for negatives. Sounds to me like he is looking for others who like it. Hard to enjoy something one likes when all of the negatives get thrown in when they weren't asked for. I listen to smooth jazz, jazz, classic rock, a little country, bluegrass, blues, etc. If one of these doesn't meet your liking, I guess it's crap. Sometimes I wonder why I even read these forums. A lot of the replies are nothing more than crap.

Back in my early twenties, when I was into classic rock and roll, I found I liked listening to some Windham Hill artists, which seemed to put me in a good mood. Mellowed me out. (maybe I should put one on now...) If it puts me in a good mood, I really don't care what it is. If I come across something classical that does the same, I'll be sure to purchase it.

I listen to all of the artists you mentioned, and now I seem to be into the Yellowjackets. I'll start on a band, then run with it until I purchase every disc of theirs that I like. If it makes you feel good, go for it.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. When it's used to cast a negative view is unproductive when the OP was looking for positive results. This is getting ugly.
What makes me upset is how some people don't really care about what the Op is asking about. They just have to throw in their 2 cents worth of negativity to get some sort of reaction they know would be coming. Just looking for a juicy thread to start rolling. Plenty of that here. Hateful people.

As I stated in an earlier post, I really don't know why I read these posts. Many replies are spiteful, or negative. I waste 10 minutes every time I read the forums. I will now cease. It's been nice reading the majority of you. Best of luck in your quests.